Adam Hellinger

Adam began studying postural and relational awareness in 1985 with The Alexander Technique. This developed into a practice of Tai Chi and Chi Kung from 1986 and eventually to the style of Chi Kung. Adam since 1990 practices Yi Chuan, with a focus upon the Zhan Zhuang (standing pole) aspects.
Since 1990 Adam has continued to study and develop the Chi Kung Art of Zhan Zhuang (Standing Chi Kung) with a focus on the healing and integrative physical aspects of this Chinese art.
In 1997 Adam further studied the Shiatsu approach and work of Pauline Sasaki with Pauline, Cliff Andrews and Nicola Ley (and many others who were fortunate to meet and study with Pauline). The same week in 1990 Adam began his Shiatsu studies at The British School of Shiatsu Do with Ray and Suzanne Ridolfi. This style of Shiatsu has a great influence from the approach of Saul Goodman and Shiatsu Shin Tai. And developed its roots in osteopathy and cranial sacral therapy.
Graduating from the British School of Shiatsu Do (BSS-DO) in 1997 Adam joined the Teaching staff at the BSS-DO in 2000 and is a registered Teacher with the Shiatsu Society (UK) FwSS and a Director of the Shiatsu Society (UK). Adam is also a member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and has been on the Shiatsu Profession Specific Board for the CNHC and former Director of the Shiatsu Society.
- In 2013 Adam began practising and studying Seiki So Ho with Alice Whieldon. (A development of Shiatsu with a focus on self-awareness and self-reflection via the practice itself).
- Adam studied with Dr Mikio Sankey esoteric acupuncture (The development of geometric needling patterns, which I integrated into both my Shiatsu and Chi Kung practice).
- Adam studied with Dr Suzanne Robidoux, scalp acupuncture of neurological and physomatic disorders (Which I’ve developed in a Shiatsu approach without needling).
- Clifford Andrews
- Pauline Sasaki – a youtube video of the work of Pauline Sasaki
- Ray Ridolfi and Suzanne Franzen
- Alice Whieldon
- Nick Pole
- Saul Goodman
- Nicola Ley
Chi Kung
1987-2005 Tai Chi (Lam Style) Richard Reoch
1990-2005 Zhan Zhuang/ Da Chen Chong: Master Lam Kam Chuen
1995-2004 Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung /Japanese Acupuncture and Shiatsu Peter Den Dekker
- 2004-present Yi Chuan: Ole Eskilsden
Chinese Medicine
2000 Tuina Chi Kung diploma from Westminster University with Rosey Grandage2002-2015 I joined Peter Firebrace’s Classical Chinese Medicine study group with Elisabeth Rochaet De La Vallee – TCM.
Japanese Acupuncture and Moxa
- Edward Obaidey
- Dr Alan Plenty
Other Related Qualifications
- Post Graduate Diploma The Shiatsu College
- University of Westminster Tunia Chi Kung Diploma 2001
- International Qualifications and Experience
- Teaching Chi Kung and Shiatsu for BSS Sweden
1998-present Nick Pole
Adam’s professional experience and training include:
- Shiatsu Society Board member
- Member of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CHNC)
- Working with Cancer support
- Secure Mental Health Institutions and at clinics in Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and London
- Exhibitions and workshops for the BSS-Do London School and the Shiatsu Society
- Teaching at the BSS-Do London, Slovenia and Sweden
- Teaching at The Shiatsu College Dublin
- Teaching Training Diploma with the Shiatsu College
- Registered Teacher/Mentor to Students and Teachers within the Shiatsu Society (UK)
Areas of professional interest or research:
- Raising Awareness within the Public Domain about Shiatsu
- Health-related exercises in relation to Shiatsu Chi Kung and Tuina
- Development in the art of Chi Kung
- Classical Chinese Medicine with Zen Shiatsu
- Continuing further development in the style of Zen Shiatsu
- Developing and improving teaching style and techniques
My underlying reference to these studies is that of refining and developing a connection, touch and interaction in relation to my senses.
Other Personal Information
Adam has worked with gardening for over 30 years. This has helped connect him both to the changing seasons and supported him being connected to the Earth and grounded. He lives next to the River Thames at Boulters Lock outside Cookham in Berkshire.